How to Significantly Boost Your Traffic with Pinterest

If you are a boss babe, you should absolutely be taking advantage of Pinterest. So much focus seems to be on Instagram, but Pinterest is a powerful business tool that is often overlooked. There are over 175 million monthly active Pinterest users as of January 2018. 81% of these Pinterest users are female, and millennials use Pinterest AS MUCH AS they use Instagram.

Haven't convinced you yet? Well, 87% of Pinners have purchased a product because of Pinterest. Half of the users on Pinterest make over $50k/year, and 10% make greater than $125k/year - that's a great audience to market your products and services to.

Manually pinning on Pinterest is okay if you are posting outfit ideas and soup recipes on your personal account, but pinning to your business account without a scheduler is a huge time-sucker. I am going to show you how to automate your Pinterest so you can spend less time pinning, while also growing your account!

According to Buffer, you should pin at least 5 times a day, but it’s best to pin up to 30. You should also post a mixture of both your content and other people’s content. I aim for the 80/20 principle – 80% other people’s content, 20% your own content.

Automate Your Pinterest With Tailwind!

If I had to choose just one Pinterest scheduler, it would be Tailwind. Tailwind is an actual lifesaver. You create a pinning schedule – a set of time slots for each day of the week. Then as you add pins to your schedule, they will automatically fill in those time slots.

But how will you know what times to set for these slots?


Tailwind will generate a smart schedule for you! Using your Pinterest data, they will determine the time slots in which your followers are most engaged. So you can choose the number of times you’d like to pin each day, and Tailwind will automatically set the best times. Pretty freaking cool if you ask me.


You know when you have an awesome pin that you want everyone to see? With Tailwind board lists, you can create lists of boards so that instead of manually selecting 7 different boards for one pin, you can just select the list. For example, if I am scheduling a pin about social media, I will select my β€œsocial media boards.”

Also, don’t worry about spamming your followers by pinning to multiple boards. Thanks to Pinterest’s algorithm, your pin will just be shown to your followers once at a given time.


Profile performance shows you a graph of your follower growth, your daily pin activity, your daily repins, and your pin comments.

Virality Score = total repins / total pins

It shows you how much your pins are being repinned.

Engagement Score = total pins / total pins / per 1000 followers

This is a measure of your audience’s engagement with your pins. It shows how much your pins are interacted with on a β€œper follower” basis.

Engagement Rate

Lets you know how many of your pins have at least 1 repin vs. no repins.


Board insight allows you to track the performance of your individual boards. This helps you see what your followers are engaging with most!


Tailwind Tribes

Tailwind Tribes are like fancy Pinterest group boards. You can easily join tribes based on your topic or niche.

Step One: Join a Tribe!

To join a tribe, you need to be invited. I have created a Girlcrush Collective tribe that I would LOVE to have you in!

After joining a tribe, be sure to read the rules. Each tribe has its own rules and if you do not obey them, you may be removed.


Step Two: Install the Tailwind Browser Extension

Sharing blog posts to Tailwind is super easy with the Tailwind Browser Extension. Install the extension for ChromeSafari, and Firefox. The Tailwind icon will appear in your browser once installed.

Step Three: Add Your Pins to the Tribe

Once you have installed the extension, you can start adding to the tribe! Go to the blog post you would like to pin from, then click on the Tailwind extension icon.

Make sure you have Pinterest-worthy blog graphics. This means vertical, high-quality pins. To create your own blog graphics that others will want to pin, check out this post: How to Create Pinterest-Worthy Blog Graphics (No Photoshop Required)!

Clicking the Tailwind extension icon will pull up all images on the webpage. Select the image you would like to pin and then select which tribes you would like to add it to. Make sure you have optimized descriptions with keywords!

Check out my stats for the Tailwind tribe Blogger’s Chalkboard. From pinning to this tribe alone, my pins were repinned 23 times, making my reach is over 1.2 million. How cool is that???


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