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How to Avoid Burnout as a Blogger or Entrepreneur

Being business babes, we have all struggled to want to open our laptops up and see what’s in store for today. However, have you ever thought “Man, I just can’t seem to know what to do lately.” Or even the dreaded, “What am I even doing with work anymore?” Us here at Girlcrush have felt ourselves get to that point. With blogging you get writer’s block and can’t think of any new ideas. With business you can’t help but to not want to deal with any new problems or ideas that may have risen. You kind of just wish things could go on autopilot while you went back to bed.

Listen, Linda! We’re here to help. Listed below are signs, how-tos, and preventive options to take burnout to burning up the Internet! Burnout happens to the best of us, but we can and will get through it!

Signs That You’re Burning Out:

These are just some signs that you or someone that loves you may recognize within. Obviously we all have our off days and we’re not claiming to be doctors, but if you find yourself in the midst of the following, you may be running yourself dry.

You feel exhausted with every day/simple tasks

Are you feeling as if you’re in a rut? And when you have normal tasks, do they feel like they are harder than usual? Girl, we know the struggle. This might be one of the most common tell-tale signs that things aren’t going as they should.

You find you’re talking & thinking negatively

You might be finding that nowadays you have been a little too hard on yourself. We’re all about being the best ~YOU~ you can be, but we can have really high and unhealthy expectations of ourselves. And you might feel like others may have similar expectations for you, but all you can think of is how you’re disappointing yourself and them.

Your mood & appetite have changed

People might notice that you’re getting a little more snappy or moody lately. You might not be talking to your inner circle, either. Heck, you might even be able to tell that you’re a little more fussy than normal. Your appetite also speaks volumes when you’re stressed. You can find yourself with little to no appetite or even being a lot more snacky than usual.

Work feels just like that, work

Rather doing something you love and enjoying your job, your work feels like a drag. We’re not saying that you have to jump for joy every time you get out of bed for work, but you shouldn’t be dreading it. This should be an automatic red flag if you typically love doing your work but now you’re taking the long route to get there.

Motivation is nonexistent/Writer’s Block

You aren’t feeling it today. But you haven’t been feeling it for a while now. No new ideas are popping up for you and you can’t fathom any coming in the near future. All you feel like doing is asking the universe to take the wheel and wake you up when new things happen.

What To Do:

If you find yourself in the midst of the above signs, here’s some advice on how to handle them. If you feel like none of these are helping, you may want to consider contacting a medical professional.

Address what is causing the stress

Once you recognize what is causing you so much stress and causing your burnouts, then you can start eliminating those factors. If you feel stress coming from others, a giant to-do list, or by another similar problem, you can now start a plan to tackle these head-on.

Schedule breaks during your work day

Although we would like to think that powering through the day is the best idea, taking breaks through the days is better for your mental health. How would your car feel if you drove it cross-country, non stop? Probably super damaged. That’s why you need to give it a rest and oil it when necessary - so do the same for yourself!

Step away when you feel symptoms arising

There’s nothing wrong with knowing your limits and making adjustments to make yourself comfortable. When you feel yourself getting exhausted and burning out again, remind yourself that you can 100% step away from what is making you feel this way.

Give yourself a hiatus

Go off the grid. Turn off your phone. Don’t watch the news. It is so easy to get consumed into an alternative reality and try to escape from this one. But sometimes that isn’t the healthiest alternative. Putting down your phone and taking a drive or meditating will help not only distract you from the hassles of work, but still keep you present within your own reality.

Reevaluate priorities and goals

Maybe you’re putting too much pressure on yourself and the quickest way to know if you’re doing that is to put your priorities and goals in check. Are they attainable? Keep them. Are they a long shot? Save those for a rainy day - just not today. Make sure you have your sights set on what you are able to do at this point in time.

How To Prevent it From Happening Again:

These tips aren’t only from preventing burnout to happen again, but use these as guidelines to not allow it to happen if it hasn’t happened to you. We want each and every one of you to enjoy life to the fullest - not racing through because you’re uncomfortable. Take time for yourself because self-care is the best thing you can do before helping others. You have to put your oxygen mask on you first before you can help others!

Slow down

Life doesn't need to be as fast as a Monday morning in NYC. Allow yourself to slow down on the regular and let things happen one thing at a time. Not everything has to be done today, not everything is do or die - you got this babe!

Follow your break schedule

Keeping up with your newly established break schedule should be a priority getting back on track. Make time for yourself through the day, no matter how busy it gets!

Find daily inspiration

Whether it be Pinterest, something cute your dog is doing, or looking back on old posts/products, try to find some inspiration to help keep motivating yourself through the day (or even week!) Not everything has to be limited to being “daily” - you can do weekly or even monthly lists for inspiration!

Accomplish goals that mean something to you

When you finish an objective that has meaning to you and you can physically see the results of it, it clicks in your head that hey! You did it! Doing so will make you have a sense of pride and accomplishment, which will lead to more motivation!

Find a support group and allow people to help you

Accountability is always a great way to make sure you stay on a path that you want to stay on. Having loved ones keeping you on track all the while making sure you are keeping yourself healthy is a great way of helping you out so you don’t have to put all the pressure on yourself.

At the end of the day, try and find peace in the stillness of your current life. You can try to do anything, but you can’t do everything. When you feel like your mind has too many tabs open, try closing them - one at a time. But make sure you save your work first! And our best advice for anyone struggling on balancing your time and management, the most productive thing you can do sometimes is rest easy, babe.

Ted Talks for When You’re Feeling Burnt out:

Have you felt burnt out as a blogger or business owner? What do you do to prevent it or relieve it? We’d love to hear new ideas!