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How to Sell Out Your Offers (Every Single Time!)

The first time that I launched a course, I was so excited. I’d been working on it for months, I was so proud of how much value I had packed into the course, and I thought that of course I would sell our my offer!

I published the sales page and……crickets. I ended up making 3 sales. I wouldn’t call it a total failure as I did learn so much and 3 sales is better than 0. However, looking back now, there is SO MUCH I didn’t know about launching a program or product that could have helped.

While trial and error is often good way to learn something new, it’s not ideal when it involves your business and your livelihood. I was an expert on the subject of my course, but I was not an expert in business launches.

I have looked up to BossBabe since even before I started Girlcrush Collective. The CEO, Natalie Ellis, went to the same university that I studied abroad at during college, so I always felt a cool connection through Newcastle. I watched BossBabe grow and grow and grow, and knew that I had so much to learn from Natalie and the whole BossBabe team!

Luckily, Natalie has never kept her successful business processes a secret. She’s always shared her best tips with the BossBabe community - most recently, she shared the 4 step formula that BossBabe uses to plan and execute profitable, repeatable launches!

In the Ready Set Launch webinar, Natalie will walk you through BossBabe’s 4 Step Formula that allows them to have consistently sold out launches. The best part? You can take this formula and apply it to your own launches, then rinse and repeat every single time!

The free webinar is packed with more info than I can provide in one blog post, so I highly recommend watching it. However, I’ll provide a some tips and tricks for having consistent, successful online launches below that just show you a little snippet of what you can expect to learn in the webinar!

Tips for Creating a Rinse and Repeat Launch System :

  1. Start by creating a unique offer that’s completely irresistible to your ideal client or customer. Think about what would be a total no-brainer YES and something they’ve been dreaming about.

  2. Build an audience of ideal clients or customers who have BUYING power. For this metric, size doesn’t matter! It’s ALL about engagement and relevance.

  3. Develop a pre-launch content strategy that includes freebies, social posts, live videos, and emails. Consider where your ideal clients are and show up with amazing content in those places.

  4. Delegate tasks that don’t require you, so you can focus 80% of your attention of what drives 80% of your revenue.

6 things to consider when creating your offer:

  1. What’s the unique value?

  2. What are your fast action bonuses?

  3. Is your pricing competitive?

  4. Is it irresistible to your client?

  5. What’s the unique transformation?

  6. Do you have social proof?

The BossBabe Rules of Success:

The 80/20 rule

This means focusing 80% of your energy on tasks that drive 80% of your revenue

Energy is everything

Managing your energy as an entrepreneur is a non-negotiable! It’s your secret weapon in biz.

Know thyself, surprise thyself

Focus on your strangths and zones of genius, whilst also being open to try new things and grow.

Believe it to receive it

You could have the exact fomula to do something, but if you don’t believe in yourself, you’ll block your own success.

Successful Launch Mindsets

  • If she can do it, so can I.

  • There are tons of people who need only what I can offer.

  • I am endlessly resourceful - I always find or create a way.

  • My authenticity easily attracts my ideal clients.

Launch Myths Debunked

  • You need a large audience

  • You need a full team

  • You need a big budget

  • You need to have a fancy website first

Do you struggle with launches? I’d love to hear what you think of the webinar and your biggest takeaways! Let me know what you think in the comments below!

