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Instant Ways to Level up Your Fashion Game

The truth is, nobody should loathe the word “basic.” Sticking to the basics is by no means a considerably bad thing, especially in the realm of modern-day fashion. The basics of one’s wardrobe are the integral foundation of outfit-building day in and day out. Many stylish women around the world have the uniforms to which they adhere. You can choose to stick to a mainstream formula and still have a put-together, sophisticated, and captivating identity. 

Still, we understand if you aspire to move things up a notch and take your style to the next level: whether for business, passion, or fruition. Here are a few instant ways to level up your fashion game in the most unexpected and organic ways for a high-fashion sheen.

Instant Ways to Level up Your Fashion Game

Layers: Mix Details and Textures 

Don’t shy away from the details that create the mystic metamorphosis of a bonafide fashionista. Reach for a simple t-shirt or bottom as a base, then work your way from there to build style blocks. Layering an outfit is about keeping focused balance with juxtaposing interests. You can easily add a new shape and coverage by supplementing structure.

Completing your look with mesmerizing combos is one of the instant ways to level up your fashion game. Consider the stark but harmonious appearance of prints and solids, masculine and feminine dynamics, or pleats with asymmetrical lines. Layering textures and materials together provide an ordinary outfit with a newfangled lease on life. 

Add Statement Items or Accessories 

Accessories matter in fashion, especially with a more monochromatic or neutral outfit. Adding color and interest institutes a classy or sassy look. Regardless of if you’re heading to the office for work, meeting up with friends, or planning to post pics or videos on social media, adding statement items can bring your authentic aesthetic to a whole new level. 

Shoes, necklaces, earrings, or even a classic watch can do the trick to align your outfit. The history of the wristwatch speaks to its enduring background as a timeless fashion piece. The idea is to let the statement piece you use become the fashion-forward focal point. As an unwritten rule, always go for a third item when your OOTD needs something else. Accessories function to polish off an outfit without too much extra effort.

Change Your Mindset: Toss Out the Rules

The key to undergoing a leveling-up transformation is to change your mindset, especially about how you value yourself. Looking your best isn’t one-size-fits-all; instead, you have to make your own limits of personal expression. You are the one to define your leveled-up style, no one else. 

Fashion-wise, utilize the clothes you own to shoot your shot towards change. Disregard traditional rules and mix things up—establishing your presence isn’t always groundbreaking. Style is about putting your best foot forward with creativity, zeal, and wit to dress authentically.