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The Most Common Mistakes Freelancers Make

Deciding to freelance is a huge decision. Whether you’re a photographer, writer, interior designer, or have another neat gig, working for yourself makes sense. To avoid the most common mistakes freelancers make, you’ll need to prepare yourself. Know how to be successful with these tips.

The Most Common Mistakes Freelancers Make

Not Having Any Savings

While freelancing, you may experience both good and hard times. You should have savings—either from a previous job or inheritance—to help you pay rent and take on large expenses if they arise and if you have to live as a starving artist.

Agreeing To Work That Doesn’t Interest You

Part of being a freelancer is finding your own motivation. You won’t have a supervisor looking over your shoulder all day. One of the best ways to ensure you complete a project is to make sure it’s something that interests you.

Taking On Low-Paying Work

Many tips for freelancers will tell you to set your own rates, but many companies who hire contractors set the rate of pay. You can decide who you want to work for. Don’t take on low-paying jobs unless it will help you build your portfolio or resume. Only agree to contracts that pay you enough to afford to live.

Overbooking Yourself

When you love your job, you may find it difficult to say “no” to gigs as they arise. Especially as more clients start to hear about your excellent work, you may receive an influx of communication. You don’t want to be stuck at a computer or office all day if freelancing was supposed to give you more freedom. Keep a schedule to maintain balance in your life.

Pro Tip: Whether you work from home or rent office space, ensure you have a reliable connection. If you experience dropped calls and dead zones, it could be a sign your building may have poor wireless coverage.

Neglecting To Pay Taxes

One of the biggest rookie freelancer mistakes is neglecting to pay your taxes. Freelancing seems like it pays more until you realize you must pay the same taxes as everyone else. Both your state and the federal government will charge you a fee if you don’t make quarterly payments throughout the year. You should base your quarterly payments on how much you expect to make. Once you pay your taxes in the spring, you will either receive a refund or be required to pay more if you underestimated your payments. 

The most common mistakes freelancers make are agreeing to work that doesn’t pay enough, overbooking themselves, and taking on work that is boring. Use this time in your life to find balance and purpose. But don’t forget, you still have to pay Uncle Sam to keep the schools running, the roads repaired, and all our other public services operating.