Tips and Tricks to Journal More Consistently

As the new year begins, thousands of people tell themselves they are going to start a journal, or at least start journaling more consistently in 2021. But without a plan or strategy for how you’ll make time for journaling, this resolution can prove difficult to maintain. Maybe you’ve wanted to start a journal of your own, but something keeps holding you back. You might find it difficult to squeeze another task into your busy days or you may have doubts about your writing abilities. A journal can have many purposes. It may help you to lose weight, heal emotionally, or manage your career.

The truth is that there’s no single formula for journaling success. Use these tips to help you develop your own individual style so you can start a journal and stick with it. 

Finding Your Time to Journal:

  1. Designate a time. Blocking out the same time each day for journaling may help you to create a steady habit. It could be first thing in the morning or the last thing you do before bed.

  2. Carry it around. On the other hand, maybe you prefer to write when inspiration strikes you and events are fresh in your mind. Keeping your journal handy will let you jot down your comments on the spot.

  3. Be brief. Do you skip days unless you have the time and energy to compose a long essay? Not every journal entry needs to be long and detailed. An entry can be a single word or multiple pages depending on what you want to express.

Photo by Alina Vilchenko from Pexels

Finding Your Method for Journaling:

  1. Put pen to paper. Studies show that writing things by hand makes a deeper mental impression than digital communications. If you like the feel of tangible objects, buy a fancy blank book or use any scraps of paper available.

  2. Get an app. Maybe you’re more comfortable on your phone or tablet. This is my preferred way to journal and I put together a list of great digital journals and digital planners below. You can also create your own templates.

  3. Collect prompts. If getting started is a stumbling block for you, gather prompts that will give you something to write about. We have a whole blog post full of journal prompts, check them out here.

  4. Pick a format. Speaking of lists, a journal can be organized however you like. Write in full sentences or bullet points. Invent dialogue or pretend you’re writing a letter.

  5. Draw pictures. What if you’re more effective expressing yourself through images rather than words? Make sketches with or without captions. You can also add photos and clippings.

  6. Limit editing. Writer’s block can often be overcome by resisting the urge to censor yourself. Let your thoughts flow freely instead of worrying about how they sound.


Digital Planners for iPad

Recently, digital journaling has become all the rage. I personally use and love my digital planners and journals (I use Goodnotes on my iPad). The digital journals below can all be imported into the Goodnotes app, as well as Notability, Noteshelf, and any other PDF notebook apps. I think it is a fun and creative way to journal (I love being able to undo something, rather than the permanence of a pen and paper).

The digital journals all include hyperlinks throughout, which let you easily flip to different pages and sections. I’ve compiled some of my favorite digital journals and planners below, all available on Etsy for $15 or less. You can even use digital stickers to add that extra pizzazz to your pages!

Other Strategies:

  1. Slow down. Develop calming rituals to make your journaling more enjoyable and productive. Set aside a quiet and comfortable space in your home. Brew a cup of tea or play soft instrumental music.

  2. Note the date. Recording the date on your entries has many advantages. It can make you feel more accountable about skipping days. It also makes it easier to find past entries that you may want to refer back to.

  3. Protect your privacy. Technology has come a long way since old fashioned diaries with a flimsy lock on the cover. Passwords and encryption provide greater security if you want to keep your musings to yourself.

  4. Share with others. Then again, you might be eager to build a bigger audience for your journal. It could be a tool for working with your therapist or something to leave for your children and grandchildren.

  5. Review and reflect. Whatever form your journal takes, looking back can be illuminating. Revisiting past entries will show you where you’re making progress and where you might want to grow.

Pursue your goals and work through difficult experiences by journaling consistently. Writing is a proven way to connect with your feelings, gain insights, and build your accomplishments.

How do you plan to journal more consistently this year?



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