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Keeping Up With Kate and Kale

Kate Kerner, of Kate and Kale, won our Boss Babe 1K Instagram Giveaway! Oh, and we have a total #GIRLCRUSH on her! 

Kate lives in NYC and works at a major media company. But fitness is her true passion, which led her to starting her own side hustle, her blog Kate and Kale! Kate hosts fitness events for the NYC Fitness Community, works with brands, and attends events in the fitness world!

Her drive and dedication to her professional life AND her fitness live is something we truly find inspiring. Kate's hope is that her journey will inspire others as well!

Hello Kate! Tell us a little bit about yourself!

Here are a few facts about myself!
1. Favorite color: Mint green
2. Favorite song currently: New Rules
3. Favorite foods: Peanut Butter and Dark Chocolate
4. Guilty pleasure: SO Delicious Dairy Free Ice Cream
5. My favorite number is 18
6. My middle fingers are crooked
7. I absolutely hate uncooked mushrooms

How did you begin your fitness journey?

I don't even know where to begin! I began my fitness journey in college. The gym became my safe haven. From there, I started participating in group fitness classes at college and back home in NYC. My passion for fitness is what gives me true happiness. It is part of what makes me the woman who I am today.

That is amazing. Tell us about your fitness blog!

My blog, Kate and Kale, is everything fitness + wellness. It consists of restaurant reviews, fitness studio experiences, articles that I have written & companies who have featured me on their pages! My blog gives me a chance to tell my story beyond the Instagram platform. To me, my blog is like a novel. Each post is a new chapter/moment in my life. 

How do you balance your job and your side hustle?

I get asked this question very often! I love being busy. Between my job and my side hustle, I'm a busy bee. I start every day with a workout at 5:30am. I love the feeling after a good sweat. I'm definitely a morning person. It's often hard for me to workout after work, but sometimes I love taking barre or yoga to sweat out the day.  

What have been your biggest challenges since you started Kate and Kale?

My biggest challenge has been breaking through the noise. The fitness + wellness industry is quite large.

What advice do you have for other girls who are interested in starting a side hustle? 

Start a side hustle! Do what makes you happy. You WILL make an impact on the work. 

What plans and goals do you have for 2018?

My goal for 2018 is continue to find ways to break out of my comfort zone (a class at Tone House is definitely on my list). I have found that trying something new has allowed me to realize my true potential in the fitness industry.

I also plan on finding new ways to grow my brand. It is so important to stay true to who you are. That is EXACTLY what I do. I hope to continue to inspire others. We all have our own unique story, but it is our passion for fitness + wellness that brings us together. 

What social media platforms do you use?

I love using Twitter & Facebook! However, I find that I am always on Instagram browsing through my feed. 

Interested in collaborating? 
CONtact Kate: